Wrighty’s House 2021

Ian Wright is a bit of a household name. He is a British former professional footballer and television and radio personality. He’s Arsenal’s second highest scorer of all time and Crystal Palace’s third highest…. yeah you know that guy?

Well he also has a Podcast called Wrighty’s House. This year in November he welcomed guests to a house walk-through experience. The final arrival for the guests was the ‘garden’ where they would be able to sit and listen to a live discussion of a podcast interview episode.

We were approached by the planners of the event The Zoo XYZ to create the garden space. This was an exciting proposal as it was more of a Set Design Project. Something new and a fantastic opportunity to be creative and to think outside the box.

The two challenges we faced were no.1 the time constraints. We had less than a week to work our magic, and no2. we were not working in a house at all!skyloft altitude

The chosen venue was the Skyloft at Altitude London. It’s a very edgy, urban space featuring rustic exposed brick walls. I had the task of figuring out how to fill up the space and create a garden concept, in what looked like an abandoned warehouse.

After two days hard work with my absolutely incredible team, we pulled it off! On the evening, we had many a compliment for not only the look of the ‘garden’ we created but also the smell and feel of it too. The main man himself had some kind words to share…and his Mrs!

So now I can add London-based Set Designers to our portfolio of experience…ooh err.

Afia Bayayi x

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