Flowers cost how much?!
I can’t count the amount of times that I’ve provided a quote for flowers and had (the groom especially lol) look at me in complete confusion as to why picking a bunch of flowers from the back garden and shoving them into a vase would cost so much.
Well that’s not quite how it works! I appreciate that sometimes all that is needed is a little education to provide some perspective and so consider me as your teacher for today.
First off, let’s discuss the process:
Most flowers are imported from all over the world which means they are subject to exportation costs.
Not only this, but when flowers are purchased, a significant portion of those flowers will not be usable due to damage in transit, damage with handling or simply lack of nutrients. As florists we have to account for this and overbuy.
Then we have any overheads that the Florist may require to run the business eg. a storage or studio space to factor.
Not to mention the ongoing expenses which include insurance, phone bills etc.
Let’s not forget transportation expenses and any other costs related to the event e.g. vases, props etc. as well as any cleaning fees.
Then last but most certainly not least, there are labour costs. Without the time and talent of the dedicated team members and freelancers, none of the beautiful work achieved would be possible.
Now to top it all off, we have the 2023 problem of I N F L A T I O N which is impacting every stage of the process explained above. It’s the ugly reality but the reality nonetheless.
We do have some great ideas to share with you which will help you to know how to better manage and balance these costs whilst still achieving your desired look. Check in with us for our next blog post on the 1st of March for all our expert tips.
You’ll be glad you did!
Afia Bayayi x